
Dear Students,
Transition is a term used for the time when you are changing from a student to an adult. You, your parents, others that know you well, and your school begin to plan for your transition while you are still a student, usually as early as middle school. The law requires that a transition plan be a part of your Individual Education Program (IEP) in the year that you will turn fourteen. Your transition plan should be reviewed and updated at least once every year.
Your parents and school need to understand your goals for the future, your strengths and weaknesses, and the supports that help you at school and home to make sure these are included in your plan. You should talk to your parents and your teachers about how you can become more involved in making decisions about your educational program and your plans for the future.
When you turn 18, the law considers you to be an adult who has the rights and responsibilities of every other adult. You will be the decision maker at your IEP meetings, and it is up to you if you want your parents to come to the meeting. You can still ask your parents, or others that you know well for help to make important decisions, or you can voluntarily enter into a supported decision-making agreement with a family member or trusted adult to help you make important decisions. But the bottom line is that you can and should take an active role in making decisions for yourself.
Below are some support resources where you can find guidance about transition.
Support Resources
This transition and employment guide is for you, the student in Texas public school, who may have received special education services due to a disability. It also provides helpful information for your parents. This guide has steps you and your parents can take to make sure you are able to find the right work or educational choices for you after high school. It also tells you where to get the services you will need after high school.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) are just two laws that help students with disabilities prepare for the transition from school to adult life, employment and independence. These laws are in place to ensure that services and supports for transitioning students with disabilities are coordinated among agencies to help the student move from school to post-school activities.