MTSS is a framework for meeting the instructional needs of all learners through a variety of support services and interventions, or a Multi-Tiered System of Supports. Many parents are familiar with RtI (Response to Intervention) and PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support). MTSS combines major components of both RtI and PBIS to meet the developmental, social, behavioral and academic needs of all learners.
MTSS begins with high-quality, culturally responsive differentiated instruction, positive behavior systems, universal screening and data analysis of all learning in the general education classroom. When learners are not yet proficient despite high-quality core instruction and positive behavior support, a team of educators comes together in a problem solving setting to identify the academic and behavioral needs of those learners.
The Major Components of MTSS
1) Data-based decision making
2) Universal screening
3) Tiered model of delivery
4) Progress monitoring
5) Fidelity of Implementation
6) The MTSS/RtI

Parents play a critical role in supporting what their children are learning in school. Research shows that the more parents are involved in student learning, the higher the student achievement.
There are many ways parents can support what their child is doing in school.
- Make reading an everyday habit at home
- Communicate with your child’s teacher
- Monitor and assist with homework assignments
- Ask for regular monitoring reports
- Share your child’s successes
- Learn more about the curriculums and interventions being used in your child’s school
- Attend parent/teacher conferences and other school meetings about your child