Bullying occurs when a student or group of students directs handwritten, verbal, or electronic generated expressions or physical conduct against another student. Bullying occurs when the behavior results in harm to the student or the student’s property, places a student in fear of harm to himself or his property, or is so severe that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment.
Cityscape Schools prohibits bullying as defined above, as well as retaliation against anyone who reports or is involved in an investigation of potential bullying.
Can I submit an anonymous bullying report? Yes, as a student, you can submit an anonymous report to:
As you may be aware, there are concerning social media posts circulating in schools in the area. While the threats have not been confirmed and because students’ safety is our priority, we are taking additional safety measures to keep our students safe.
We will remain vigilant throughout the day, while we continue with our normal operations to allow our students to have a safe learning environment.
We encourage you to talk to your students about the consequences of posting false information in social media.
Thank you for your continued support.
Estimadas familias de Cityscape:
Estamos informados sobre las publicaciones preocupantes circulando en las redes sociales sobre varias escuelas del área. Aunque las amenazas no se han confirmado y debido a que la seguridad de los estudiantes es nuestra prioridad, estamos tomando medidas de seguridad adicionales para mantener a nuestros alumnos seguros.
Seguiremos siendo vigilantes durante el día, mientras continuamos con nuestras operaciones normales para permitir que nuestros estudiantes tengan un entorno de aprendizaje seguro.
Les pedimos su ayuda para que hablen con sus estudiantes sobre las consecuencias de publicar información falsa en las redes sociales.