Giving Cityscape PreK Students a Head Start

Cityscape Schools and Head Start of Greater Dallas are partnering to provide high-quality child-development services to families of 3 and 4-year old students, enrolled at Cityscape’s Early Childhood Center.  Cityscape is one of the few charter schools currently partnering with Head Start.  As part of the collaboration, Head Start provides income eligible families with resources that empowers them to better engage in the education of their children. This enables parents to partner with educators so that together they can develop a foundation that will lead students through success not only

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First group in Cityscape Schools to Participate in The Congressional Award!

Our middle school students created memorable experiences and developed new skills through The Congressional Award summit as part of Cityscapes Foresight Summer Camp!  Cityscape is proud to bring this first-of-its kind leadership program to our middle school students. This program traditionally engages students starting high school but thanks to a close collaboration with The Congressional Award, our middle students had the opportunity to participate in the prestigious national program.  “We are honored to partner with The U.S. Congressional Award Program to bring life-changing leadership experiences program to our first group

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Congratulations to our East Grand Middle School Class of 2023!

We celebrated the end of a journey at Cityscape for our East Grand Preparatory 8th grade students last Thursday night as they graduated from middle school. The ceremony, which was the beginning of a new path for these students, brought tears to our students, staff and those who were present. With much excitement we celebrated the graduation of Cityscape’s sixth 8th grade class. The first class of Cityscape 8th graders graduated in  2016. This year, we are proud to send off to high school our 64 students who graduated from East

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Ms. Sol Acuña, TIA Designee!

One of our seven pending TIA designees, Ms. Sol Acuña, has taught Pre-kindergarten classes for the district since for the past four years. Since last school year (2021-2022) was the first year of TIA eligibility for Cityscape Pre-kindergarten teachers, Ms. Acuña earned T-TESS scores and student growth percentages high enough to earn a pending TIA designation! When asked about her high marks on the T-TESS and the CIRCLE assessment (student growth), she simply replied that she likes a happy classroom. Beyond the curriculum, she teaches life’s lessons and teaches her

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Ms. Margarita Esquivel, TIA Designee for the 2021-2022 School Year!

TIA Newsletter One of our seven pending TIA designees, Ms. Margarita Esquivel, hails from Zacatecas, Mexico and came to the USA when she was 11 years old. She has been with Cityscape Schools since 2015, working first as a TA, then an IA, and after completing her bachelor’s degree and passing her required state certification exams, has been teaching for Buckner Prep for the past three years. She has been teaching Pre-kindergarten classes for the past two years. Since last school year (2021-2022) was the first year of TIA eligibility

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More Exciting News!

Mr. Carlos Cupido Pending TIA Designee for the 2021-2022 School Year! One of our seven pending TIA designees, Mr. Carlos Cupido has been teaching at East Grand Preparatory since 2015.  He currently teaches 8th grade mathematics. Before coming to Cityscape, Mr. Cupido taught for Dallas ISD for seven years and before that, taught university courses in math, statistics, and marketing in Mexico.  Mr. Cupido has a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering and a master’s degree in business administration.  Upon learning of his pending TIA designation, he was both proud and

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East Grand Preparatory Leads with Student Council 

National Leadership Day was created  over 50 years ago and started as National Student Government Day. It wasn’t until 1979 that it was renamed “Student Leadership Day.”  In 1983 that the celebration was extended to a week, creating National Student Leadership Week to ensure all clubs and activities were included, such as student government clubs, honor societies, campus clubs and beyond.   We are proud to acknowledge our school leaders at Cityscape Schools,  as we celebrate NSLW across the country. East Grand Preparatory has grown in clubs and organizations. One of

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East Grand Preparatory is proud of their own Mr. Angel Rodriguez Colon

In February 2023, Mr. Angel Rodriguez was designated as Recognized status in TEA’s Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) program. Born and raised in Ponce, Puerto Rico, Mr. Rodriguez was interviewed by Cityscape staff while living in Puerto Rico and came to Dallas for the sole purpose of teaching students at Cityscape Schools.  He currently teaches 8th grade ELAR classes at East Grand Preparatory. Mr. Rodriguez earned his bachelor’s degree in secondary education with a specialization in teaching English as a Second Language from the University of Puerto Rico in Cayey. One

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2022-2023 NJHS Induction Ceremony 

Cityscape celebrates the induction of the new members of the National Junior Honor Society. A group of middle school students at East Grand Preparatory were inducted into the honorable organization for their outstanding academic accomplishments. The purpose of the National Junior Honor Society is to elevate a school’s commitment to the values and help middle-level students develop the knowledge and skills to become student leaders in their school, community, and beyond. It is with great pleasure to see how each year the list of our students at East Grand Middle

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