Dual language is a bilingual education model in which students are taught literacy and academic content in two languages. The Dual language program at Cityscape Schools focuses on teaching English and Spanish. It starts at Pre-K and extends all through 5th grade.   

The program’s main goals are for students to: 

  • become bilingual and biliterate: understand, speak, read and write in English and Spanish 

  • obtain high academic achievement in all subject areas 

  • gain appreciation for different cultures  

Native English Speakers in Dual Language

English-native speaking students can also enroll in the Dual Language program. Just like their Emergent bilingual peers, our English-native speaking students who are enrolled in the dual language program have the opportunity to become bilingual, biliterate and bicultural global leaders. They share the classroom and learn alongside their Emergent Bilingual peers. Ideally, children should enroll in the dual language program in PreK or Kinder level. It is highly recommended that once parents have decided to enroll their child in the program, the student is able to continue until they finish 5th grade. Parents have the option to have their child continue with the program through middle school. 



English as a Second Language is a program where teachers use effective second language acquisition strategies. The goal of the ESL program is to help Emergent Bilinguals who are not enrolled in dual language attain full proficiency in English. The ESL program focuses on general English language daily instruction. At Cityscape Schools we offer ESL from Pre-K through 8th grade.

Language Proficiency Assessment Committee:

To ensure the academic success of emergent bilinguals, Cityscape Schools follows the Texas Education Agency’s Language Proficency Assessment Committee (LPAC) identification and placement process for emergent bilingual students.

 The process for emergent bilingual services includes 4 steps:   

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