Dual language is a bilingual education model in which students are taught literacy and academic content in two languages. The Dual language program at Cityscape Schools focuses on teaching English and Spanish. It starts at Pre-K and extends all through 5th grade.
The program’s main goals are for students to:
become bilingual and biliterate: understand, speak, read and write in English and Spanish
obtain high academic achievement in all subject areas
gain appreciation for different cultures
Native English Speakers in Dual Language
English-native speaking students can also enroll in the Dual Language program. Just like their Emergent bilingual peers, our English-native speaking students who are enrolled in the dual language program have the opportunity to become bilingual, biliterate and bicultural global leaders. They share the classroom and learn alongside their Emergent Bilingual peers. Ideally, children should enroll in the dual language program in PreK or Kinder level. It is highly recommended that once parents have decided to enroll their child in the program, the student is able to continue until they finish 5th grade. Parents have the option to have their child continue with the program through middle school.
English as a Second Language is a program where teachers use effective second language acquisition strategies. The goal of the ESL program is to help Emergent Bilinguals who are not enrolled in dual language attain full proficiency in English. The ESL program focuses on general English language daily instruction. At Cityscape Schools we offer ESL from Pre-K through 8th grade.
To ensure the academic success of emergent bilinguals, Cityscape Schools follows the Texas Education Agency’s Language Proficency Assessment Committee (LPAC) identification and placement process for emergent bilingual students.
The process for emergent bilingual services includes 4 steps:
PreLASPreK and Kinder – This assessment is used to identifyemergent bilingual students. For Pre-K and Kindergarten level, the assessment consists of developmentally appropriate activities such as identifying parts of the body, recognizing pictures of everyday items, being able to repeat phrases and sentences and retelling of short stories. Kinder is also tested onpre-literacy skills (identification of letters, numbers, colors, counting and shapes). The test is administered in both English and Spanish to identify the students’ language ability level.
LAS 1st through 12th grade– This assessment is used to identifyemergent bilinguals in grades 1st through 12th grade. Students transferring from another Texas school district do not need to retake the LAS test if they already have an emergent bilingual designation. The test is administered in both English and Spanish to identify the students’ language ability level. It consists of tests in all 4 language domains (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing).
TELPAS – The Texas English Language Proficiency System (TELPAS) is an annual assessment that students identified asemergent bilingualare required to take if enrolled in a Texas public school. TELPAS assesses English language proficiency in all four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Once the student has been assessed (LAS or PreLAS), the Cityscape Schools’ Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) meets to determineeligibility and identifies the student as emergent bilingual. After the initial meeting, the LPAC will send written communication of recommendation to the parents. Parents can accept or deny services. Cityscapestudents will be placed in either the dual language or ESL program based on student needs and parental approval.
The Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) will recommend thatemergent bilinguals who meet the reclassification criteria to either exit bilingual or English as a second language (ESL) program services or continue participation if in a dual language program. Parental approval must be obtained for program exit or continuation beyond reclassification, must be obtained.
Reclassification occurs:
At end or beginning of school year depending on when TELPAS scores are received
When the LPAC determines when an emergent bilingual has met the appropriate criteria to be classified as English proficient
A student in prekindergarten or kindergarten may not be reclassified; The first opportunity for an emergent bilingual student to be considered for reclassification is in 1st grade.
When a student has met all reclassification requirements, the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) will send written communication to parents for approval to exit the dual language program. After parent approval, the next step is to place the student in a general education classroom. To ensure a successful transition, Cityscape will monitor all exited emergent bilinguals, discussing their academic progress through LPAC meetings. A written notice on the progress is sent to parents.
Schools and Offices Open Thursday, Feb. 20 and Friday, Feb. 21
Cityscape Schools will be open tomorrow – Thursday, February 20th and Friday, Feb. 21. We look forward to seeing all our students, teachers, and staff! Our buildings are ready to receive everyone in a warm and safe environment.
Escuelas y Oficinas Estarán Abiertas el jueves 20 y viernes 21 de febrero
Escuelas y oficinas de Cityscape Schools estarán abiertas mañana, jueves 20 y viernes 21 de febrero. ¡Esperamos ver a todos nuestros estudiantes, maestros y personal! Nuestros edificios están listos para recibir a todos en un ambiente cálido y seguro.