National Leadership Day was created over 50 years ago and started as National Student Government Day. It wasn’t until 1979 that it was renamed “Student Leadership Day.”
In 1983 that the celebration was extended to a week, creating National Student Leadership Week to ensure all clubs and activities were included, such as student government clubs, honor societies, campus clubs and beyond.
We are proud to acknowledge our school leaders at Cityscape Schools,
as we celebrate NSLW across the country.

East Grand Preparatory has grown in clubs and organizations. One of the student-led organizations where engagement has grown the most is EGP’s Student Council.
East Grand Prep’s first Student Council was formed 5 years ago, with the first president of this chapter being Brittney Martinez.

Chief Officer of Culture and Climate, Dr. Billy Ferrell has been an instrumental leader in bringing this student leadership organization to Cityscape Schools.
“East Grand Prep’s first Student Council was formed in the fall of 2018,” said Dr. Ferrell. “The Council was established to provide leadership and service opportunities to EGP students to more completely fulfill the district’s mission and vision.”

The impact that this leadership organization has had in Cityscape students is leading towards an expansion of the program.
“Next year, with the implementation of 7th grade at Buckner Prep,” said Dr. Ferrell. “We will also be looking at branching out and serving our local community beyond the campus and district level to serve the less fortunate in the East Dallas community.”
Student Council provides students at East Grand Preparatory many opportunities to demonstrate their leadership, scholarship, and citizenship qualities.
Mr. Commodore Bussey is the sponsor for EGP’s Student Council and first handedly sees the impact this student organization has on the students.

“Members of Student Council excel in their academics, athletics, and civic organizations,” said Mr. Bussey. “The positive impacts on both our members and their peers are transformational.”
The members value their respective roles and exemplify the core values of our organization. Many of their peers respect their student council members and strive to model their leadership roles.
“The positive impacts on both our members and their peers are immense. Many of our students aspire to become a member of the student council because of the reputation that it holds,” said Mr. Bussey.
Our student leaders are constantly in direct communication with their sponsor, EGP Assistant Principal, and the Chief Officer of Culture and Climate. This year, Student Council members will serve as ambassadors in support to our district’s Superintendent, as he hosts local dignitaries.