
What is a Charter school?

Charter schools are tuition-free public schools and open enrollment to all students. That means that your family can choose them for your children instead of the usual government-managed public schools.

Charter schools operate with freedom from some of the regulations and red tape imposed upon district schools. We are accountable for academic results and for upholding the promises made in our charter. Cityscape made the choice to focus on our local community, providing the personal attention that will ensure all students thrive

Like all public schools, charter schools are:


Part of the free public school system


Held to state and federal academic standards


Open to all students without discrimination of any kind


Funded through a combination of federal, state, and local tax dollars


Not affiliated with religious group

25 years of texas public charter schools

Charters in Texas are contributing to the increased success of ISDs in Texas. Texas public charters turn 25, competition has been proven to be good for charters and ISDs in Texas. (Texas Public Charter School Association, 2020)


Cityscape Schools exists to work in an educational partnership with families. We desire to provide a distinctive environment of educational opportunity for all children and young people in our community. Cityscape students will have the opportunity to become well prepared, life-long learners possessing the character, knowledge, and wisdom necessary to succeed, lead, and contribute to their community and to society.


Our vision is to work in partnership with families to prepare children and young people to fulfill productive leadership roles in society.

A Message From Our Co-founders

Cityscape Schools is the first urban school designed to break the cycle of poverty of children and young adults who have grown up in the inner cities of America. During the 1960s, the federal government declared a “war on poverty,” which has been a dismal failure.

Its purpose was to end poverty, reduce crime, and abolish inequality. Yet, these entitlement programs, 60 years later, have failed to improve children’s educational opportunities, improve their long-term outcomes, or eliminate poverty and inequality.

Leonard and Glenda Brannon have spent over 35 years in urban ministry in Dallas, Texas. After 20 years, they realized that children and youth needed more than just faith-based after-school programs, summer camp programs, and church. These programs and church alone were not enough to break the “spirit of poverty” off children and their families. So, Cityscape was founded with a mandate to build a comprehensive quality educational opportunity for all children, regardless of their zip code.

Cityscape Schools was founded as a school of choice that is publicly funded but operates like a private school; located in the heart of Dallas’ inner city of East Dallas (including Pleasant Grove). These regions, over the decades, have seen increased poverty and a generational dependency on government programs perpetuating substandard housing. These neighborhoods are crime-ridden areas overwhelmed with addiction, students dropping out of school, homelessness, concentrated levels of returning felons, and the breakdown of the family unit.


What makes Cityscape unique? Four founding principles set us apart:

  • Servant Leadership

To be great you must serve others
  • Public Service

Giving back and volunteerism Congressional Award Program
  • Global Biliteracy

Two-way dual language program (Spanish and English)
  • Rigorous Academics

Providing an opportunity for 100 percent of students to graduate from high school and attend college or career readiness pathways.

Currently, Cityscape has three campuses with six schools in grades Prekindergarten through 8, serving over 1200 students of poverty. Over the years, Cityscape has received 11 distinctions from the Texas Education Agency and is currently a B-rated district.

Why Cityscape Schools


We work closely with parents to cultivate our students’ strong thinking skills, self-discipline, and healthy relationships.

Our rigorous curriculum focuses on a holistic, global, and biliterate approach that is grounded in research-based practices.

 We are intentional in providing the best learning practices that are meaningful and educationally on target.

Cityscape is quickly growing


TOP 14%

Fastest growing schools in Texas

Three campuses open tuition-free


Volunteer Application

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There's a place for you at Cityscape Schools.

We actively recruit applicants whose first concern is helping all students reach their full potential.