Cityscape Schools continues to make the best decisions possible in the light of the new increasing COVID-19 transmission rate in Dallas County. Last week, Dallas County upgraded its COVID-19 risk level to Red-High Risk Transmission due to the spike in cases related to the Delta variant. Cityscape will continue to monitor the current changing environment and make any changes necessary to protect the health of its students and staff.
At this time, Cityscape is following Governor Greg Abbott’s Executive Order GA-36, prohibiting governmental entities in Texas (including school districts and charter schools) from requiring or mandating the wearing of masks. Regardless, Cityscape strongly recommends every student and staff member wear a mask for the new school year.
Cityscape will continue to do everything possible to ensure your child’s safety by following all the recommended COVID-19 protocols. At each campus, these protocols are: 1) self-screening for COVID-like symptoms, 2) quarantining and close contact tracing as needed, 3) social distancing when feasible, 4) acrylic shields will be at all desks and cafeteria tables, 5) handwashing or the use of hand sanitizer throughout the day, and 6) daily cleaning and sanitizing of all classrooms, offices, and common areas.
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has announced that no public schools will continue with at-home/online learning. Last year, COVID-19 created massive learning loss among Texas students, including your children. Face-to-face instruction is the best and only method to ensure the success of your children’s future educational and vocational goals. Further, your student’s social and emotional well-being depends on attending face-to-face classes. We will continue to do everything possible to ensure your child’s safety and continue to be transparent in reporting any COVID-19 cases among students or the staff on the Cityscape website (
Cityscape Schools recommends that all employees and students (at least 12 years old) get fully vaccinated against COVID-19. COVID-19 is still spreading in the community, and the overwhelming percentage of COVID-related deaths in Texas are now among unvaccinated people. Vaccines for adults and students (aged 12+) are free and readily available at pharmacies, many area healthcare providers, and through the COVID-19 Vaccine Information ( link.